Thank you for volunteering yourself or suggesting a fellow SCCA member for the position of Member at Large. One of SCCA’s Board members will be contacting you and/or your friend shortly.
Southern California Chaplains’ Association
Section 1—Name
The official name of the organization shall be the Southern California Chaplains’ Association (SCCA).
Section 2—Location
The business address shall be designated by the Board of Directors. As of the date of the adoption of this document, it is as follows:
Southern California Chaplains’ Association
Post Office Box 982
Placentia, CA 92871
Section 3—Mission and Purpose
SCCA’s mission is to encourage and support agencies with Chaplains programs (law enforcement, fire, military, hospital, correctional, etc.); assist in the development, implementation, and training of Chaplains; as well as enhance the impact of Chaplains in Southern California.
The association welcomes all Chaplains and individuals who are supportive of chaplaincy into the fellowship of SCCA regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, age, or religious affiliation. It is the desire of the association to be open to differing views and religious beliefs.
Section 4—Membership
To qualify for membership in SCCA, an applicant must:
a. either serve as a Chaplain with an agency or organization, or have an interest in and be supportive of the objectives and goals of SCCA.
b. submit an application for membership.
c. pay yearly membership dues.
Section 5—Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of the following positions:
a. President—Executive Committee
b. Vice President—Executive Committee
c. Secretary—Executive Committee
d. Treasurer—Executive Committee
e. Members at Large
f. Institutional Liaisons (when available)
All Board members shall fulfill the responsibilities established by the Board in the Bylaws.
Section 5a. Elected Board Members
Executive Committee officers must have been members of the association in good standing for at least two years and have served on the Board of Directors for at least one year, having attended at least two training meetings in each of those two years. Any deviation from this requirement can be considered by the Board of Directors.
Section 5b. Appointed Board Members
The Board shall appoint at least five (5) members to fill Member at Large positions. These voting members of the Board shall be both members in good standing and have been a member of SCCA for at least one year, having attended at least two training meetings in that year. Any deviation from this requirement can be considered by the Board of Directors.
The Board may appoint at least one (1) Institutional Liaisons. These representatives from law enforcement, fire, hospitals, military, or other organizations that utilize Chaplains as a part of their organizational structures shall be appointed as advisors to the Board.
Section 6—Meetings
Regional Training meetings and Board meetings shall be held at such times and places as are determined by the Board, subject to the Bylaws.
Section 7—Tax Exempt Status
The purposes for which this organization is formed are exclusively charitable and educational, within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code or the equivalent section of any future federal tax code.
Section 8—Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by the Board, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, or by members in good standing. Any proposed amendment shall first be reviewed by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee prior to the Board of Directors submitting a recommendation to the general membership. At least thirty days prior to a general membership meeting, a notice shall be given to the entire membership of the proposed changes while giving place, date, and time of the meeting. Adoption of the amendments shall require a three-quarters affirmative vote of the members present.
Section 1. Benefits of Membership
Benefits to Chaplains
The benefits of being a member of SCCA consist of:
a. standing in a professional Chaplains’ organization.
b. educational opportunities such as the regional meetings.
c. access to a website that provides up-to-date information.
d. written materials designed to help Chaplains implement and sustain effective programs.
e. networking and fellowship.
Benefits to Agencies
To assist the agencies and organizations served by SCCA and maximize the impact and aid provided by their Chaplaincy personnel, SCCA will:
a. provide information regarding the establishment of a Chaplaincy program.
b. provide training through conferences, seminars, and resource materials.
c. communicate current trends in the field of Chaplaincy.
d. provide network opportunity for the sharing of ideas, goals, and objectives.
e. provide additional Chaplains through a Mutual Aid protocol to assist department Chaplains in the event of local or regional disasters or other types of catastrophic events.
Section 2. Dues
The annual membership dues are set by the Board of Directors. The fiscal year is January 1 through December 31. Dues shall be kept current in order to participate in the association programs and benefits.
Section 1—Terms for Board Officers
The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Board of Directors constitute the “Executive Committee” and serve 2-year terms. The terms of the President and Treasurer shall change on alternate years from the Vice President and Secretary to stagger terms so that a consistent body of leadership will remain on the executive Board as one officer leaves. These officers shall be elected by a two-thirds majority affirmative vote of the membership present at a regular meeting. Once an officer’s term expires, he or she may be reelected, nominated for another Executive Committee position, or continue to serve on the Board as a Member at Large.
Members at Large and Institutional Liaisons shall serve 1-year terms each and may be reelected.
If a Board member leaves during the term, the Board will appoint a member in good standing to fill the vacated position for the balance of the term.
Section 2—Nominating Committee—A Standing Committee
At the first Board meeting after the fall elections, the Board shall designate the two Executive Committee members whose terms do not expire at this election cycle to serve on the Nominating Committee. The ranking Executive Board member shall be the Committee Chair and the other Executive Board member shall be the Vice-Chair. The Board will name three Members at Large to participate on the Committee. It will nominate one name for each open position for Executive Officers to be voted and recommend Members at Large to be appointed. The Nominating Committee shall present its written report to the Board at least thirty days prior to the first general membership meeting in the fall. The Board may modify the slate prior to submitting the vetted list to the general membership. Adoption of the list shall require a three-quarters affirmative vote of the Board members present.
Section 3—Removal from Office
Although it is anticipated everyone selected to serve on the Board of Directors has the ability and willingness to commit their time to fulfill the responsibilities as a Board member, and that he or she subscribes to the mission and purpose of the association, there may be a time when a member of the Executive Committee, Member at Large or Institutional Liaison would need to be removed from the Board.
a. In order for an Executive Committee officer to be removed from his or her leadership position before the end of the term, an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the entire Board is required at a regularly scheduled or special Board meeting. At the discretion of the Board, the former executive officer (if he or she was not removed for an ethical violation) may continue to serve as a Member at Large for the remainder of the current fiscal year.
b. In order for a non-officer Board member (Member at Large or Institutional Liaison) to be removed from the Board, an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Board members present at a duly called Board meeting shall be required.
c. Any member of the Board of Directors with three unexcused absences from regularly scheduled Board meetings may be removed from the Board. The Board will present the name of a replacement to the members for their vote at the next regularly scheduled training meeting. The person selected will finish the term of his or her predecessor.
d. Excused absences will be determined by the President. The allowable reasons for missing a Board meeting may include but are not limited to illness of the member or member’s family or out-of-town business. Even when unable to attend in person, a member should try to participate by electronic means (such as telephone or Internet). The Secretary will list the attendance on meeting notes.
e. Board meetings will be scheduled at least three weeks prior, to provide Board members enough time to schedule their participation.
Section 4—Responsibilities of Board Members
The President shall:
a. serve as the official spokesperson for the association.
b. prepare the agenda and chair all meetings of the Board of Directors.
c. provide leadership in the planning and conducting of regular meetings and special training sessions for the membership.
d. serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of the association.
e. coordinate the Mutual Aid Protocol with the various agencies in Southern California.
The Vice President shall:
a. perform the duties of the President in his or her absence.
b. assist the President in the planning and implementation of regular and special training sessions for the membership.
c. serve as the primary resource for agencies desirous of beginning a Chaplains’ program.
d. assist the President in the coordination of the Mutual Aid Protocol.
e. perform such other duties as requested by the President.
The Secretary shall:
a. be responsible for recording and producing minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and general membership when official actions are taken, and distribute the minutes.
b. coordinate and insure the publication of the Board’s calendar of events and meeting agendas prepared by the President.
c. insure that the association website is kept current.
d. receive dues payment notices from PayPal and the Treasurer.
e. coordinate with the Treasurer to keep the membership roster current.
f. ensure that membership certificates are created for members who have paid their dues.
g. supervise the production of documents and materials required for the training sessions.
The Treasurer shall:
a. be responsible for the maintenance and documentation of all records relative to SCCA’s finances and report to the Board at each meeting.
b. provide financial reports to the membership at the fall training session.
c. be one of the authorized signatures required on SCCA’s checks issued for disbursements approved by a simple majority of the board.
d. act as an authorized user of SCCA’s PayPal account.
e. be responsible for recording and depositing all monies received.
f. update the Secretary each time a member pays his or her dues.
g. provide the Board of Directors a proposed budget for the coming fiscal year no later than the August meeting of the Directors.
h. assist members with questions about dues at regional meetings.
Each Member at Large shall:
a. be willing to serve as a member of committees.
b. assist at training events.
c. fulfill responsibilities established by the Board.
Each Institutional Liaison shall:
a. assist with the implementation of the Mutual Aid Response Protocol.
b. provide guidance to the Board when setting future goals and scope of activities of the association.
Section 5—Committees
Committees shall be established by the Board to execute the work of the association. Chairpersons of the committees shall be appointed by the Board. Each committee chairperson shall promote the activities of his or her committee. The Board may establish the following committees (and others according to need): Nominating Committee, Fundraising, New Member Recruitment, Training, and Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 6—Meetings and Quorum
The Board of Directors shall hold at least six (6) regularly scheduled Board meetings each year. They must plan and conduct at least four (4) half-day training sessions for the general membership each year.
A quorum for all regular and special meetings of the Board shall consist of at least four voting members with at least one Executive Committee officer present.
There is no quorum requirement for the training sessions.
The Board meetings are conducted under an open Board concept, available to all members who wish to attend. Visitors are welcome to participate but may not vote. If necessary, with a majority affirmative vote the Board may go into Executive Session for sensitive or confidential issues affecting the organization, such as personnel or potential litigation. In general, meetings will be conducted in harmony with the most current revision of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 1—Amendments
The Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority affirmative vote of the membership at a duly called meeting.
Section 2—Dissolution of the Association
The Southern California Chaplains’ Association may call a meeting of the membership specifically for the purpose of considering the dissolution of the association. Notice shall be given to the entire membership at least thirty days prior to the designated meeting. In the event that three-fourths of the members present vote affirmatively, the association may be dissolved. Any assets that remain after all liabilities have been satisfied shall be distributed to a charitable organization that benefits law enforcement, fire, hospitals, or other entities that chaplains serve in compliance with the direction of the simple majority vote of the membership at the same meeting at which the association is dissolved.
Latest version of the amended Constitution and Bylaws approved by the membership:
July 24, 2015
President Ryan Small
Secretary Brenda Lane